Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I'll Have a Couple of Domis' with a Stronach Chaser..

How revolting the way the media has been sensationalizing Tie and Leanne Domi's divorce, and Tie's alleged relationship with Liberal MP Belinda Stronach.

Granted two of these people are public figures, and media coverage is inevitable. But this week, the media has gone so far as to publish excerpts from one of Leanne Domi's affidavit. I am not going to go as far to say that the media is intentionally trying to 'tarnish' the former Toronto Maple Leaf's name, as he has already had his fair share of negative media attention in the past. But no one is perfect, and to expect anyone to be perfect simply because they are a public figure is not only preposterous, but naive as well.

The fact remains that no matter what these people do (criminal infractions not withstanding) their personal lives are just that - Personal. If Tie decides he wants to commit adultery with hundreds of women, that is no ones business but his and his spouse. If Belinda decides she wants an entire male harem of NHL players, that is her business.

We as a society have got to realize that probing these issues to the extent that we do, such as publicizing personal court documents, that we are violating their human right to privacy. It is easy to sit and be entertained by these sordid stories the media spoon feeds us. But would you find it so entertaining if it was YOUR bedroom secrets broadcast to your friends and family?

Just something to think about.


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