Friday, September 24, 2010

Orgy of Excess

The Liberal party today made headlines in no doubt every news publication in Canada today by calling the expenses of the G8/G20 summit in Toronto & The Muskokas an "Orgy of Excess".

I am not going to defend or attack the expenses of the summits, as I think each Canadian needs to make that decision for themselves.

But what is it about the term "orgy" that generates so much interest in the media, and indeed, with average Canadian readers? defines the term as:

1. wild, drunken or licentious festivity or revelry.
2. any actions or proceedings marked by unbridled indulgence of passions.
3. Informal. A boisterous, rowdy party.

While there are a few different definitions, they are all rather similar, and do not leave a lot of room for duplicity in meaning.

However, none of the three terms are overtly provocative. Yet, somehow, throughout the centuries, the term has always held it's connotations of being lewd or dirty.

The particularly lewd connotations stem from the ancient Greek civilization. Specifically in the way certain gods were worshipped. I suspect, the acts of worshipping in this fashion was considered inappropriate with the adoption of Christianity.

Yet even thousands of years later, the term is looked upon as being provocative and even shocking in nature, and thus, is used rarely. This allows the user of the term to be noticed, and considered to be making a rather harsh observation.

It works not only in politics, but with everyday conversation as well. For example, if an online reviewer of televisions, who probably writes reviews on dozens of TVs each year were to state that the new Sony Bravia television was "An Orgy to the Senses", one could guarantee that it would likely be the most viewed or discussed product all year.

So if it is such a powerful term, why exactly is it used so rarely?

I think because no matter how often the term would be used, it would always have that slightly childish, negative slant. Even if the word were to be only used in a positive way (as in the above example). Eventually, the person or publication frequently using the term would be viewed as the dirty uncle wearing a trench coat while reading adult magazines at the gas station.

While it can be a fun and poignant term, use it wisely! It is a powerful word.


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