As a recap for those of you who don't know, or didn't read my last post, receiving a "white hat" as they are called, is one of the city's highest honours for elite VIP'S or local heroes that have performed extraordinary feats of goodwill or bravery.
The couple received the white hats from the Mayor, Naheed Nenshi yesterday. It was reported by most major Canadian news outlets (ie CBC & CTV) that the Royal Couple wouldn't don their hats. Not even for a photo op. This was confirmed by video footage released by both news outlets.
So, I then went on a rampage of what a terrible insult this was to Calgary and it's citizens. (And I stand by that... not wearing the hat, at least for a photo op IS an insult.)
I posted my blog entry with a smug sense of self satisfaction. I think mainly because I uh... told the Duke... and, uh... maybe the Duchess... um... to "go suck it!".
So then, a few hours later, I was watching the local news update on TV, and low and behold, there was Will and Kate, seen EVERYWHERE in public, wearing their white hats.
Umm. Oops.
Now, suspiciously, this happened a few hours after they had received the white hats. And conveniently, after rechecking both CTV and CBC's websites, stories mentioning the Royals refusing to wear the white hats seemingly disappeared, with no explanation or further discussion on the topic.
So, I contemplated retracting my statement last night, but had got busy and thought I would do so today.
HMMM. In retrospect, I wish I had done this task last night. There were SEVERAL vicious emails in my inbox accusing me of spreading inflammatory lies about the Royals. There were also emails calling me names because I told members of the Royal Family to "suck it!" (which I actually think is rather ironic).
So. I have nothing against supporters of the Royals. And let me be the first to say that I am sorry to any who have taken personal offence. Similarly, I apologize directly to the Duke and Duchess for my comments, and wish them the best. (Though I am still confused as to why you did not don your hats for a photo op when you received them? Any explanation would be great, thanks).
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