Great. Wonderful for them. They seem to be a nice young couple and I wish them the best.
I personally am not a "Royal Watcher" as they are called. To me they are people like everyone else. But, I do respect the history of our nation that is attached to the British Monarchy.
That being said, as a Canadian, and more specifically, a Calgarian, I was actually insulted by William and Kate this afternoon.
As is tradition in Calgary, William and Kate were being "White Hatted" upon their arrival to our fair city today. Being "White Hatted" means that you are invited to a special ceremony wherein you are welcomed to Calgary by receiving a top of the line, exclusive and expensive hand crafted white cowboy hat. It is important to note that this honour is specifically reserved for super important VIP'S or exceptional heros within our city. Only a handful of people each year receive a white hat.
While I normally would have been in favour of giving the Royals a white hat, I was dismayed and somewhat angry to find that they would not wear it.
Of course, no one expects them to wear it all day, or outside of the ceremony, but at least have the decency to put it on for a single photo op. Doing so would show respect for our people and our customs. Refusing to do so is an insult.
I understand that the Royals are given souvenirs or keepsakes from hundreds of people and organizations over the course of a year, and making a choice not to don all articles. However, that being said, it is not as though they were given shirts, or footwear or some cumbersome piece of clothing. It's a hat. If there is some sort of Royal rule that says it is undignified for members of the Royal family to be seen wearing such an article in public, that is fine too - just don't accept the honour!
Accepting the honour and refusing to don the hat is an insult to the city, its citizens, and the people who take pride in the meaning of the gift! Shame on the Royals! William and Kate can suck it!
I am sure they were briefed long before the event as to what it would consist of i.e. hat wearing. I think that the hype around them is redic. I live in America and its all the rage here. They are not my prince and princess so I guess they dont really mean much to me. I love that "Karmin Music" is popular up your way too. I love them! This is random but since you said you love to debate I was wondering if you could give me that Canadian take on the current debt issue here in America. You might not follow politics or even American events but if you do I would love to here what you think. email me. ginamarierossi@gmail.com